HairMake Up & NailsSkincareRandom & More

Monday, October 6, 2014

Regular blogger?

I've put a lot of time and thought into this and I've considered blogging regularly.   As a young teenager years and years ago, it was my hobby and my passion to log online and connect with the world.  Blogging was huge when I was young.  YouTube wasn't quite around yet at the time.  I'm sure people reading this now would ask, why blog when you can film like everyone else? Yes, that's true, but there's just too many things to consider (as with many others who would like to do the same but are just as hesitant).

Let's just say if I were to fast forward my life 2.5 years down the road where my boyfriend and I have finally gotten a place of our own, the chances of me blogging would be much higher.  

Anyway, I feel like vlogging and filming is some sort of an investment.  As of now, we are trying to save up for a house.  It's been long time coming for the both of us and I think it's also a huge milestone in our relationship.  I don't feel comfortable with filming if the quality "sucks".  I don't want to deal with the issues where the colour isn't right, or the video isn't clear, all because I don't have the proper equipment.  Not saying I have to spend a fortune on equipment to achieve optimum quality, but I want quality work (I'm not willing to spend $250 on a camera if this goal of mine doesn't last).

It seemed so easy back then the amount of effort I put into web design, graphic design, and just sitting down to write.  The inspiration back then was endless.    Then again, blogging is very different than filming.  

I also work a full time job and cook every day after work.  With that being said, I'm often pretty tired.  

I do live in a place that snows for about 7 months of the year, so natural sunlight doesn't last for very long.  Weekends would be the best time I could "film".  Not sure how I feel about people giving me the weird look talking to the camera (we don't live alone).  

I will try my best to take pictures of things I'm using that are beauty related.  Let's hope this will be the beginning of an inspirational journey.  

PS.  I can't believe this was created back in 2010....time passes by so fast.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Hi everyone,

It's funny when you look back at old entries and realize how much time as passed relative to how much you've changed as a person.  You know you're getting old when.... =P

I'm not going to post any pictures, but I thought updating should do for now.  I would like to work on this blog a little more if time permits.

I may have mentioned it in a previous post that I went back to school and finished about a little over 6 months ago.  I'm working full time now...yay.

Anyway, I'm not going to post any pictures, but I thought I'd go over my skin regime.

I experienced the worse skin crisis I've ever had in my entire life.

As a background, there are certain foods I don't eat because through past experience, they break me out.  For example, popcorn.  Don't get a wrong, I watch movies with the bf all the time, but we never buy popcorn; reason being is because it breaks me out really badly.  I've always been a petite girl, but have noticed I'm put on some slight weight - a healthier weight for a girl my size (only from this past half a year).  So my bf's parents bought "Chicago" mix and I decided to try it out....bad idea.  Long story short, my face was hating on me for a good 2-3 months.  This way back in December by the way.

Hot sauce isn't so bad.  I have learnt to tolerate it because I eat it in my pho (which tastes great when you add it when you're over half way get the best of both worlds!  you enjoy the original broth itself AND what it'll taste like with lemon juice and hot sauce.  Is it just me?)

Back on the cleanser I switched to prior to breaking out was Clinique Normal/Combo.  I was using the whole system.  I was also using BB creams at the time...which I find now is way too oily for me.  My acne is bumpy and on my cheeks.  When I break out, it's normally in my t-zone.  To say the least, it was a point in my life where I never felt so unattractive with a naked face. I should note that during this time it was winter, and our winter months are very dry.  Oh and did I mention that I switched to Clinique's Oily skin kit?  Pretty sure it made it worse, go figure.

For xmas, the bf got me the Clairsonic Mia 2...heard great things about it, but because I had yet to figure out why my skin broken out, not sure it was the best time to try this device out.  I used it everyday, and it felt like it resurfaced more breakouts...great.  Now, I use it twice a week.  I switched cleansers to Fresh "Soy Cleanser" and then "Murad".  Murad definitely helped calm down the acne.

..Sorry guys, I just realized this post is getting really long and before I jumped to the present of how my skin is now, I'd really like to thoroughly go over the process of what I had to go through and what products I used.  I'll have to save it for another day.  I guess 10 years ago it was easy to blog on and on...what happened to the inspiration?  But to be fair and rather skip details (I also switched foundations which I think ties into this whole thing too), I'm gonna have to split this post up a bit.

Til then!

-Apologies for the abrupt end to the post..there's too much to say and too much to type haha

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm Alive!!

Yes, so I realize it's been a long time. One of my excuses being that I can't really get good close up focused shots with my camera. It's a canon with 7.0px, so it's a little outdated. But as I'm typing this I remembered the other day I discovered I am able to focus in really close with my iPhone 4's back camera.

Anyway, I didn't check the date of my last post, but I know it's been a really long time. Since I don't have a review, I did a tag. Now, I've been following Jen from frmheadtotoe and watching her videos for a long time and I saw her do this tag the other day. I thought it was pretty neat, and at the same time, pretty hard questions to answer...some a little weird, not going to lie. So you can head over to the Random page to check out what my answers are. I had fun doing them!! My answers would have more enthusiasm to them if I had finished them the same day I started, but I had things to I attempted to hiberate my laptop and come back and finish, but I had to start over.

Have a good night everyone!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yay!!! New Review on: Make up Haul

I'm sure my bf would be proud of me if he stumbles upon here randomly and sees this...I UPDATED! Anyway, the second I thought of this, the instant I grabbed my camera and took some pictures. You can check the Make Up link above to check out the review. It's really just a mini haul. But as "kinda" promised, I made the effort to update, so here it is!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Been a VERY long time

Alright, so I realize it's been a long time. Honestly, life has pretty much kept me busy and tired. Although I'm well aware no one really see this place, but I thought I should update it anyway...why not? From time to time it's in the back of my mind to update this, but then by the time I remember, it's dark and I absolutely hate taking pictures with flash...I like to take pictures using natural lighting, and that never happens. So I thought, okay, even if I don't update with any review, why not just update for the sake of updating.

Like I mentioned the last time, I'm still at my "new" job...which by now, in a few more months I'll be there for a year now. I mean, it's's my career, I hate and love it depending on how my day goes, and some days I question if this is what I really want to do. I'm a pretty committed person when it comes to a job though, I like to stay through the good and bad times because I feel that being able to do that makes me a stronger person, and it shows that I'm serious.

To summarize the past year really, the biggest change I've had is that I've purchased my first car. Going to work was a hassle without a car, especially on the one work night I had a week, there was no way I was going to commute there in the winter we get here waiting outside for the bus. Aside from having the job and having a new car, everything has pretty much remained the same for me. I will say that because of work though, it drains me; which I find these days I spend a lot of time sleeping or taking nap during the day because I am so tired...hence I don't have the time to update here either because it is time consuming to put together a review and honestly, if I don't have the time to put together something I feel is presentable, I rather not put anything up because it then looks rushed and crappy. I have discovered a lot of new things I love using, and things I find that I'm not such a big fan of...I don't know where to start though, it's too overwhelming to put it all in one update.

However, I guess for a new years resolution...just a thought mind you, I want to be able to use Mon-Wed to update this...although who knows when will be the next time I'll log on. I don't normally see my bf until thurs-sun, which I'm unlikely to update, but he's usually busy too when we see, but its inconvenient for me to take pictures when I don't have the materials and products with me and upload it to update. All in all, I'm going to try, but no promises. Oh, and I guess laziness could be a possible factor too?? At least I'm admitting it. Anyway, for the very few viewers, if any that see this, hope you had a great xmas and new years, and have a great v-day/singles awareness day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Busy busy busy

So I'm still around, but I started working again last week and I've been really busy. Anytime I have after work I'm either do errands of spending time with the hubbs. It's been a long time since I've been on my feet for hours. Incase anyone is wondering, I'm a hairstylist. But yeah, apologies for the lack of updates, but some days I'm just way too tired. However, there's lot of products I want to review. The salon I work at has introduced me to new products I've never heard of, and has an overwhelming amount of other products aside from just hair. Too many things and not enough time! Well I hope to have something up before the end of the promises but I'll try. Maybe next Wednesday.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a great May.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Nail Polish!

So lately I've been taking advantage of all sales and promotions.  If you didn't get a chance to buy some nail polish from ELF, Sally's is actually having a sale of their own.  It's buy 2 get 1 free for all of their nail enamels.  So that's for like China Glaze, ORLY, etc.  Great brands!!  I remember about a year ago hauling a few polishes home, and regretting not buying more.  This must be a yearly promotion?  I don't know, but I don't I bought another 6 new ones.  I won't be needing anymore for a long time since I just got in my other 12 polishes from ELF (which by the way, was an awesome promotion as well).  I'll put up some pictures another day of my french tips.  

I'm also liking the Maybelline Express Finish.  I only have one because I got it for free for spending a certain amount on drugstore make up from a past purchase.  My tips are black and I put a sparkling glitter finish on top.  I can't wait to use all of the colors...I'm constantly changing my color weekly.  

Click here for the Sally Promotion Flyer