HairMake Up & NailsSkincareRandom & More

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm Alive!!

Yes, so I realize it's been a long time. One of my excuses being that I can't really get good close up focused shots with my camera. It's a canon with 7.0px, so it's a little outdated. But as I'm typing this I remembered the other day I discovered I am able to focus in really close with my iPhone 4's back camera.

Anyway, I didn't check the date of my last post, but I know it's been a really long time. Since I don't have a review, I did a tag. Now, I've been following Jen from frmheadtotoe and watching her videos for a long time and I saw her do this tag the other day. I thought it was pretty neat, and at the same time, pretty hard questions to answer...some a little weird, not going to lie. So you can head over to the Random page to check out what my answers are. I had fun doing them!! My answers would have more enthusiasm to them if I had finished them the same day I started, but I had things to I attempted to hiberate my laptop and come back and finish, but I had to start over.

Have a good night everyone!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yay!!! New Review on: Make up Haul

I'm sure my bf would be proud of me if he stumbles upon here randomly and sees this...I UPDATED! Anyway, the second I thought of this, the instant I grabbed my camera and took some pictures. You can check the Make Up link above to check out the review. It's really just a mini haul. But as "kinda" promised, I made the effort to update, so here it is!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Been a VERY long time

Alright, so I realize it's been a long time. Honestly, life has pretty much kept me busy and tired. Although I'm well aware no one really see this place, but I thought I should update it anyway...why not? From time to time it's in the back of my mind to update this, but then by the time I remember, it's dark and I absolutely hate taking pictures with flash...I like to take pictures using natural lighting, and that never happens. So I thought, okay, even if I don't update with any review, why not just update for the sake of updating.

Like I mentioned the last time, I'm still at my "new" job...which by now, in a few more months I'll be there for a year now. I mean, it's's my career, I hate and love it depending on how my day goes, and some days I question if this is what I really want to do. I'm a pretty committed person when it comes to a job though, I like to stay through the good and bad times because I feel that being able to do that makes me a stronger person, and it shows that I'm serious.

To summarize the past year really, the biggest change I've had is that I've purchased my first car. Going to work was a hassle without a car, especially on the one work night I had a week, there was no way I was going to commute there in the winter we get here waiting outside for the bus. Aside from having the job and having a new car, everything has pretty much remained the same for me. I will say that because of work though, it drains me; which I find these days I spend a lot of time sleeping or taking nap during the day because I am so tired...hence I don't have the time to update here either because it is time consuming to put together a review and honestly, if I don't have the time to put together something I feel is presentable, I rather not put anything up because it then looks rushed and crappy. I have discovered a lot of new things I love using, and things I find that I'm not such a big fan of...I don't know where to start though, it's too overwhelming to put it all in one update.

However, I guess for a new years resolution...just a thought mind you, I want to be able to use Mon-Wed to update this...although who knows when will be the next time I'll log on. I don't normally see my bf until thurs-sun, which I'm unlikely to update, but he's usually busy too when we see, but its inconvenient for me to take pictures when I don't have the materials and products with me and upload it to update. All in all, I'm going to try, but no promises. Oh, and I guess laziness could be a possible factor too?? At least I'm admitting it. Anyway, for the very few viewers, if any that see this, hope you had a great xmas and new years, and have a great v-day/singles awareness day.